Was fairly organized and looked promising but-the squall line caught it to quickly and it went linear. Here is the developing shelf cloud that evolved while we were sitting at the intersection of 301 and 71.
A look at the ongoing convection of other cells to the south, we wanted to see what they could do but with a bridge being out where we were we had no chance.
We let the squall line overtake us at that position. It had some very strong winds, 45-50mph would be my guess. Here is a shot of the trees "blowing in the wind."
Upon getting home after the somewhat dull intercept, I arrived to the worst damage of the day. Its nice knowing that you probably could've seen more action had ya just stayed home... Here is the neighbors very young tree that got snapped off at the base. There were also alot of large limbs down in the area.
Oh well. Nonetheless, it was a fun quick little chase to get the blood pumping a bit. Hoping for round two later tonight and the opportunity at some lightning shots....

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